OBJECTIVITY • Take allegations seriously. • Don’t take the role of “one of the guys” as it questions your sincerity. • Don’t promise confidentiality, but try to maintain it to the extent possible. Depending upon the end result, you will probably not be able to keep a promise of confidentiality because disclosure may be compelled. You can tell a witness that you will attempt to share remarks with only persons who have a need to know (i.e., management, etc.). • Do not tell witnesses what other witnesses had to say (unless you are interviewing the accused or attempting to obtain information from a hostile witness). • Do not discuss your thoughts, opinions, conclusions, conversations, etc. • Avoid oral agreements (i.e., deal making, etc.) Johnathan Baldree -“How to Conduct a Work Place Investigations) GENERAL DEMEANOR DURING THE INTERVIEW • Relax; Conversational style. • Put the witness at ease. • Balance comfort with need to focus on investigation. • Focus on interview quest...